
Friday, April 28, 2006


Several years ago one of my sons was in Jr. High School and didn't pass a class. He then had to take the class in summer school to make up the credit. I had to drive him to and from his class every day. As I was trying to teach him about the consequences of his choices we had the following conversation:

Me: Son if you had just done the work in class you wouldn't be spending your summer in a classroom. You chose not to do that and now you have to sit in class for hours and then do homework in the afternoon. Wouldn't it have been easier to just do the required work in the first place?

Son: Maybe, but I can live with the consequences.

Me: Well did you notice that you are not the only one sharing the consequences of your actions? I am spending 2 hours of my day driving back and forth to this school. I have other things to do and this puts a strain on me too.

Son: There's no one I'd rather share my consequences with than you Mom. :)

Okay, so maybe I didn't get the lesson across that day. :) I have been thinking about consequences lately. The people who care about us share the consequences of our choices all the time. If we make poor choices and bring difficult experiences to ourselves, our family and friends have to watch us go through those difficult times. If our consequences are really dire and possibility put us in harms' way, then they will actually impact the lifes of those who care about us.

Consequences, there's just no way not to share them.

Living our lives carefully doesn't mean never taking risks or doing fun things or making all our decisions based on what our family and friends will think or experience because of our choices. It does mean making our choices thoughtfully not just reactively. No man is an island never rang so true for me as lately, so please, live your lives consciously.

And speaking of consciousness, does it seem to you that some people are unconscious, some semi-conscious and very few really conscious? Okay this is a new topic, but also on my mind lately. I heard Oprah tell a woman on her show "you are unconscious" and I thought "That's It, that's how I feel about so many people. They are just living their lives unconsciously. Reacting instead of making conscious choices (not really a new topic after all) and I find interacting with them just so. . .so . . .tiring. Is it just me or what?

well, I think I have rambled on enough. Thanks for stopping by.

They're still showing me the way

They are my children, all of whom are adults now, but they still help me to learn. The latest lesson is "if I have any investment in being or feeling or thinking I'm right, I haven't learned the highest lesson". I might have learned some smaller lesson but I haven't learned the "advanced" lesson. I keep trying for the "advance" levels but I'm not there yet. I do keep advancing though, and that may just be the idea.

I am, however, very grateful for the wonderful souls who agreed to share my journey with me and try to show me the way. They help me more than they know. They think they are just living their lives, going about their days, having their journeys, and yet. . .I am coming to my lessons thru them and their experiences, which is, of course, MY JOURNEY. Way cool!!!!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

This is from the Daily Om:

April 20, 2006Feeding Your SpiritTaking Time For Yourself

Modern life compels us to rush. Because we feel pressured to make the most of our time each day, the activities that sustain us, rejuvenate us, and help us evolve are often the first to be sacrificed when we are in a hurry or faced with a new obligation. It is important we remember that there is more to life than achieving success, making money, and even caring for others. Your spiritual needs should occupy an important spot on your list of priorities. Each task you undertake and each relationship you nurture draws from the wellspring of your spiritual vitality. Taking the time to engage in spiritually fulfilling activities replenishes that well and readies you to face another day. Making time for the activities that contribute to your spiritual growth has little to do with being selfish and everything to do with your well-being. Regularly taking the time to focus on your soul's needs ensures that you are able to nurture yourself, spend time with your thoughts, experience ! tranquility, and expand your spiritual boundaries. It is easy to avoid using our free moments for spiritual enrichment. There is always something seemingly more pressing that needs to be done. Many people feel guilty when they use their free time to engage in pursuits where they are focusing on themselves because they feel as if they are neglecting their family or their work. To make time for yourself, it may be necessary to say no to people's requests or refuse to take on extra responsibilities. Scheduling fifteen or thirty minutes of time each day for your spiritual needs can make you feel tranquil, give you more energy and allows you to feel more in touch with the universe. Writing in a journal, meditating, studying the words of wise women and men, and engaging in other spiritual practices can help you make the most of this time. Making time to nurture your spirit may require that you sacrifice other, less vital activities. The more time you commit to soul-nurturing activities, the happier and more relaxed you will become. The time you devote to enriching your spirit will rejuvenate you and help you create a more restful life.

I wonder if this has anything to do with my mood the last few days. I have been very teary for several days, and although it could have to do with a couple of situations in my family that are not about me and therefore not mine to act on, I wonder if these situations would bother me as much if I were REALLY making time to feed my spirit. I had been doing very well with A Course In Miracles but can't feel the "connection" the last few days. I'm going to get back on track and see if my mood lifts. I'll keep you "posted". :)

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter

Happy Easter!! I hope the day brings you family and friends and great weather and some time for contemplation. A course in miracles says that the lesson Jesus meant for us to have was not the crucifixion but the resurrection. The miracle of overcoming death that we might be released from our fear of death. I like that. It makes so much more sense to me than that Jesus was sacrificed for our sins, I could just never wrap my brain around that idea. So I celebrate Jesus and all the lessons he brought. Wishing you well!!

Sunday, April 02, 2006


We just got back from Austin. We went to a wonderful wedding. My best friend Jane's son got married to a wonderful young lady. They were so beautiful it almost made me cry just to look at them. And sooooo in love. I just couldn't be happier for them. So why the FINALLY? because in the last few years we have been to 3 funerals for the family. It was wonderful to see them all at a positive occasion when everyone was so happy. They have come through some hard years lately and this felt like coming out of the dark and into a glorious sunny day filled with love. The wedding itself was a wonder affair, very non traditional and very family oriented which was what the bride and groom were going for, I think. It was at a lovely old inn under huge live oak trees. The house has the old wrap-around porch on the front and one side with white columns. Imagine a white house with said porch, sitting on lovely grounds filled with trees. Oh my. I want to live there, I just don't want the maintaince and upkeep of such a place. Anyway, the wedding was all about family. The bride and grooms parents are all divorced, and I can't say too much about the bride's parents relationship because I don't know them, but they seemed quite friendly with each other and their respective partners. The groom's family has a wonderful relationship. Jane and David had two children and then divorced. They remained friends and co-parented their children in a wonderful way. Then David married Barbara and they have adopted two children. The way these people care about each other is a wonderful thing to see. Barbara & David's children call Jane "Nana Jane" and just adore their big brother and sister, and the big brother and sister dote on their young siblings. These 3 adults have created a family that would be the envy of anyone. It truly is amazing to see. I feel very blessed to have watched their journey from the sidelines. I have such admiration for all of them, parents and children alike. And best of all, the bride seems to be a perfect fit also. We had a great time at the wedding. Jim danced all night long. I danced until my feet hurt. The drive over was spectacular with the Spring greens everywhere and the wild flowers in bloom. The bluebonnets and pinks were gorgeous. A great weekend, hope your's was good too.